I really enjoyed our video conference with Salim Tamari. Two things which really triggered my interest during the discussion were identity building and international involvement in the peace agreement. I have always been interested in the way that people perceive themselves and others. I found it interesting when Salim pointed out that many of the people in Jerusalem come from the same genealogies and blood lines, but categories themselves as different. The differences they see in themselves has to do with the religion they practice. This religion tells the story of different histories, although in reality, their ancestors where and are interconnected.
I also found it interesting when we spoke of what identity is built from or shifted by. The examples we came up with deal with time and space; war, travel, feeling of loss, ect.
Lastly, I enjoyed Salim's perspective on the international's community’s influence on the peace talks. I agree with Salim that mediating counties should lend a helping hand in diplomacy, rather than military resources. Also I found in interesting that Salim pointed out we must understand that Palestine and Israel do not have equal resources and leverage in the situation. I liked the image he created, of Palestine and Israel forced to stay in a room, alone, until they came up with a viable solution. The image helps us understand that it is ignorant to look at the situation in a elementary way and mediating countries must understand the complexities in order to offer a true helping hand.
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